Grand Merit Holder Luminous Merit Holder Purity Merit Holder Regular Registration
Individuals, families, and corporations are welcome to sign up for the Primary Supplicant Registration.
May all negative karma be removed, have a strong healthy body, thrive in wealth and prosperity, obtain harmony and peace with family, and may all supplications be completely fulfilled.

Participants are also welcome to register Primary Supplicant on behalf of the deceased, ancestors, karmic creditors, lingering spirits, and unborn fetus spirits.
May all negative karma be removed, attend alleviation from misery and retribution, liberate from suffering and the causes of suffering, and be reborn in the Pureland of Western Paradise.


Things to keep in mind when registering:

1.When filling out the Bardo Deliverance Registration, DO NOT WRITE something overly broad and vague such as: beings across the Ten Dharma Realms, all the ancestral familiars in past, or boundless spirits from the wilderness, etc… It's MANDATORY to write EITHER the deceased names OR the ancestral names.

2.Due to the extensive flow of workload on the ceremony day, the deadline for online registration will END AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON ON THE DAY OF THE CEREMONY (Taipei Standard Time GMT+8). Any late registration are unable to present on time for the Root Guru to bless. Please, register as soon as possible to prevent further delay. We thank you all for understanding.
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Ceremony Date
Blessing Ceremony Registration Form
Name * required
Date of Birth (Ex: 1981/01/01) * required
Current Address * required
Dedication & Wishes * required
With the greatest sincere devotion and reverence, we prostrate before the H.H. Living Buddha Grand Master Lian-Sheng, all Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas. Please, grant us with Your grace and divine blessing so that all our negative karma and hindrance be removed. May we attain a strong healthy body so that we can thrive both physically and spiritually. May all our supplications be completely fulfilled.
Bardo Deliverance Ceremony Registration Form
Name * required
Date of Death (Ex: 1981/01/01)
Burial Address * required
Dedication & Wishes * required
With the greatest sincere devotion and reverence, we prostrate before the H.H. Living Buddha Grand Master Lian-Sheng, all Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas. Please, grant us Your grace and divine blessing so that the souls of our deceased familiars may release from the retribution in purgatory, liberating from suffering and attaining a lotus-birth in the Pure Land of Western Paradise.
Ceremony Date
Primary Supplicant Registration Form
Name * required
Date of Birth (Ex: 1981/01/01) * required
Address * required
Phone Number * required
E-mail * required (For forwarding the registration copy)
Dedication & Wishes * required
◎It is optimal to just concentrate on one wish each time to yield a swift result.
Annual Guardian: Based upon an individual’s Chinese Zodiac sign, those who directly clash or indirectly offend with the current year’s Annual Guardian may encounter obstacles such as health related issue, challenging career, and family well-beings throughout the year.

In order to alleviate those misfortunes, one may seek prayer for blessing and longevity, protection from calamity, and a bright prosperous future by installing an "Annual Guardian Luminous Blessing.”

The Annual Guardian Luminous Blessing at Fa Hua Buddhist Center focuses Marici (Mother of the Big Dipper) as the Main Deity who governs the Big Dipper, the Twenty-Eight Constellations, the Thirty-Six Heavenly Generals, the Seventy-Two Earthly Wrathful Gods, the Celestial Canopy, the Sun, the Moon, and all the stars and spirits. She is also known as the "Master of Starry Tresses.”

Marici is known as the "Mother of the Big Dipper" in Taoism and is also known as "Marici Bodhisattva" in Esoteric Buddhism. She travels before the Sun, hence invisible and invincible, protecting all sentient beings without revealing Herself. Marici is the exclusive Dharma Guardian of the True Buddha School.
Annual Guardian Registration Form
Name * required
Sign * required
Lunar Birthday * required
Current Address * required
1. Offerings and Donation
2. Sponsorship for temple (maintenance or renovation)
3. Sponsorship for Buddha statues
4. Purchase of Buddha statues
5. Sponsorship for Dharma activities
6. Offerings and Donation
7. Other: Please provide details in the Remarks section
Will you be attending the live ceremony?
If there are any chances, contact the assistant from Fahua Association.
Fahua Association E-mail:[email protected]
Or message to Fahua's Facebook fanpage.
Contact / Donation Amount
Contact * required
Current Address (Recommended for Contact)
Phone Number * required
E-mail * required (For forwarding the registration copy)
Contact * required
Current Address (Recommended for Contact)
Phone Number * required
E-mail * required (For forwarding the registration copy)
◎光明功德主報名贊助金額為 新台幣6000元整或以上。
Registration Donation * required
Shrine Offerings